The tale of the pinball wizard
The tale of the pinball wizard

I like the format as each of the floor pretty much represent levels in the game which means each is a new challenge which keeps the episode fresh. Really like the game Ross is playing which is sort of a "Dungens and Dragons" like game as he has to contend with zombies that look like creepy Men in Black agents, an ugly witch and other obstacle. Malls to me are just great playground for those generes because of the arectecture as well as the amount of stores which give the protagonist great access to resources as well as places to run and hide. I always love seeing malls used in horror and action films but are rarely used much the only other films I can think of that make great us of them are the horror films "Dawn of the Dead" and "Chopping Mall".

the tale of the pinball wizard

Also why the heck is Ross going to some antiquities shop to play Pinball instead of a video arcade, is one just non existent in that mall? But anyway this episode was a lot of fun, I really love the use of the mall location. Though a few things about this episode strike me as strange, for one things the game Ross is in seems more like it should be a video game than a pinball game as there are barely many elements of pinball. It's pretty the same concept like the anthology tale "The Biship of Battle" from the 80's horror film "Nightmares" but I love that concept on a game not being a game anymore but a fight for your life. Yeah I'm a gamer and I love pinball as much as I love video games, this episode was a dream come true to me.

the tale of the pinball wizard the tale of the pinball wizard

This is my sixth favorite tale in the show.

The tale of the pinball wizard